
The Push to Elope!

Today marks 90 days of wedded bliss and the inaugural post of the Lady Blu Lifestyle Blog (LBLB for short)!! I’ll break down the ideas, plans, and events that led us to elope. And yes… WITHOUT our parents knowing.

One Saturday in late May 2019 after discussing why another local location won’t work for what we wanted for our “impromptu” wedding. I hung up the phone and Cool Blu (my Husband) turned to me and said, “Fck it. Let’s elope!” You know the smile the Grinch have when he comes up with the idea to rob “Whoville” and cancel Christmas? Well, that’s the smile that crept across my face, but with less mischief and more joy.


I instantly went into plan mode! But before I get into the rest of the story, let me breakdown why we surprised everyone with an elopement, including ourselves. P.S. If you want to play a drinking game while reading this, take a sip every time you see elope, elopement, or wedding. So far we’re at 3.

Aight… mid-May my loving husband twisted his ankle at work. After 3 days of icing and elevating his ankle, I had enough and we went to the Emergency Room. After the standard x-ray and checking vitals Cool Blu’s Physician Assistant came into his room with an intense worried look on her face. Let me stop right here and let y’all know that this lady was very cynical and impersonal. Not rude. Basically she shows no emotions, unless sh*t gets real. When she walked in the room with that look on her face Cool Blu and I stopped our laughter and paid attention.

It turns out my love Blood Pressure was sky high, basically stroke numbers. The P.A. even came back and said, “ I hope I’m scaring, because that’s how serious this is.” When she left again, I turned to Cool Blu said, “we’re getting married , so you can be on my insurance.”

So… I have to end the story here for now. That way I don’t bore y’all to death. See you in 2 weeks!

Enjoy our 90 day anniversary photos and some of our wedding pics.
Happy Halloween!!